One Minute Sculptures: Shawn S.

1. Find a dinosaur, trap said dinosaur. Gain 10% boost in DPS.

2. Dinosaur finds the joy of cooking. Realizes a raw meat diet doesn't cut it anymore.

3. Dinosaur finds Hispanic culture to be awesome. Acquires sombrero.

4. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.."

5. Dinosaur discovers the joys of plastic instruments. Realizes small arms don't lead to a good drummer: turn on no-fail mode.

6. Times New Viking, the name of our new one man band.

7. A nordic angle.

8. Monkey off.

9. Monkey on.

10. It seems this monkey is on a roll.

11. Food and games.

12. Black liquid & tar. The death of a species.

13. Understanding evolution.

14. Find yourself on stairs, real life guild wipe.

15. A sharp mind is all that is necessary, or a razor blade.

16. Nothing makes a book stick like Elmer's glue.

17. Technology and instant-gratification, our generations water.

18. Floss daily.

19. Flying aces.

20. It seems that the grid just consists of circles and stop lights. Who knew that it was in Davis?!